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Monday, June 5, 2023

"Excel Experts Reveal the Top 10 Must-Know Formulas for Every User"


"Excel Experts Reveal the Top 10 Must-Know Formulas for Every User"

Top 10 Useful formulas in Excel | Every excel user must know these formulas



Top 10 Useful formulas in Excel | Every excel user must know these formulas

"Excel Experts Reveal the Top 10 Must-Know Formulas for Every User"


  • As an Excel user, knowing certain formulas can greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency. Here are ten useful formulas that every Excel user should know:
  • SUM: This formula adds up a range of cells. For example, "=SUM(A1:A5)" adds the values in cells A1 to A5.
  • AVERAGE: This formula calculates the average of a range of cells. For example, "=AVERAGE(A1:A5)" calculates the average of the values in cells A1 to A5.
  • COUNT: This formula counts the number of cells that contain numerical values in a range. For example, "=COUNT(A1:A5)" counts the number of cells in the range A1 to A5 that have numbers.
  • MAX: This formula returns the maximum value in a range of cells. For example, "=MAX(A1:A5)" returns the largest value in the range A1 to A5.
  • MIN: This formula returns the minimum value in a range of cells. For example, "=MIN(A1:A5)" returns the smallest value in the range A1 to A5.
  • IF: This formula allows you to perform conditional calculations. For example, "=IF(A1>10, "Yes", "No")" checks if the value in cell A1 is greater than 10 and returns "Yes" if true, or "No" if false.
  • VLOOKUP: This formula searches for a value in the leftmost column of a range and returns a corresponding value from a specified column. 
    • For example, "=VLOOKUP(A1, B1:C5, 2, FALSE)" looks for the value in cell A1 in the range B1 to C5 and returns the value from the second column.
  • CONCATENATE: This formula combines the contents of multiple cells into one cell. For example, "=CONCATENATE(A1, B1, C1)" combines the values in cells A1, B1, and C1 into a single cell.
  • TODAY: This formula returns the current date. For example, "=TODAY()" returns the current date.
  • LEN: This formula calculates the length (number of characters) of a text string. For example, "=LEN(A1)" returns the number of characters in cell A1.
  • These formulas are just a starting point, and Excel offers a wide range of other useful formulas to explore based on your specific needs.



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  1. "Excel Experts Reveal the Top 10 Must-Know Formulas for Every User"


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